Isla was born with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and has worn cochlear implants since she was 11 months old. She uses spoken language alongside lip-reading to communicate.
Isla enjoys reading, drawing and creative writing. Her favourite subjects at school are PE, English Literature and Art. She loves animals, fashion and music. Isla is a strong-minded and determined individual who gives 110% in all that she does. She is kind, funny and confident.
Isla is passionate about equality and diversity and has given presentations/talks at school to raise awareness about hearing impairment. Isla wears her cochlear implants with pride and has a positive self-body image. She is excited to represent her deaf peers in the media and to be a part of the inclusion revolution!

Isla was born with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and has worn cochlear implants since she was 11 months old. She uses spoken language alongside lip-reading to communicate.
Isla enjoys reading, drawing and creative writing. Her favourite subjects at school are PE, English Literature and Art. She loves animals, fashion and music. Isla is a strong-minded and determined individual who gives 110% in all that she does. She is kind, funny and confident.
Isla is passionate about equality and diversity and has given presentations/talks at school to raise awareness about hearing impairment. Isla wears her cochlear implants with pride and has a positive self-body image. She is excited to represent her deaf peers in the media and to be a part of the inclusion revolution!