Darcy is an incredibly intelligent child with a passion for palaeontology who aims to be the
next Mary Anning. Darcy has a passion for Bouldering and is very skilled at the sport
having weekly private lessons and spending free time there. Darcy loves gaming,
especially minecraft and Animal crossing. Darcy is currently doing their Entry grade 3 in
Poetry for LAMDA and enjoys this. Previous grades were all distinctions.

Darcy is an incredibly intelligent child with a passion for palaeontology who aims to be the
next Mary Anning. Darcy has a passion for Bouldering and is very skilled at the sport
having weekly private lessons and spending free time there. Darcy loves gaming,
especially minecraft and Animal crossing. Darcy is currently doing their Entry grade 3 in
Poetry for LAMDA and enjoys this. Previous grades were all distinctions.