Beatrix has grade 3 HIE (brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen and blood
flow to the brain), due to this she has hemiplegic cerebral palsy and severe
hearing loss. Bea wears hearing aids in both ears.
Bea is strong-minded, sassy and very sweet. She’s a miracle child, and
doesn’t let you forget it! She attends stagecoach performing arts school and
loves to sing and dance. Bea also loves to dress up, play with barbies, spend
time with her brother and is the world’s biggest Harry Styles fan!
She’s learning BSL, she can have a simple conversation in sign language and
is fantastic at singing and signing nursery rhymes.

Beatrix has grade 3 HIE (brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen and blood
flow to the brain), due to this she has hemiplegic cerebral palsy and severe
hearing loss. Bea wears hearing aids in both ears.
Bea is strong-minded, sassy and very sweet. She’s a miracle child, and
doesn’t let you forget it! She attends stagecoach performing arts school and
loves to sing and dance. Bea also loves to dress up, play with barbies, spend
time with her brother and is the world’s biggest Harry Styles fan!
She’s learning BSL, she can have a simple conversation in sign language and
is fantastic at singing and signing nursery rhymes.