Leia is an utterly amazing girl - clever, smart and always wants to be where the
action is. She is an extrovert and a born performer and simply LOVES it. Her recent
work includes being the lead for an ad campaign for a major European bank (TV,
print, outdoor, digital, social media, in-store), the lead role for the ad campaign of a
global travel company (digital, in-store, social media) and a supporting role in a BBC
drama, as well as performing in several public live shows.
Leia attends street dance, ballet, Mark Jermin performance classes, and is a
member of the school choir. Leia has the most incredible can-do attitude – she has
learnt to swim, surf, ski and skate. She is a hard worker and a fun seeker through
and through.
There is never a dull moment when Leia is about - she always has a dance to show
or a joke to tell. Leia has Down’s syndrome and her condition doesn’t get in the way
of anything. Her curiosity, zest for life, and sheer cheekiness means she is often at
the centre of things and she is great at charming people. Her smile and laugh are
infectious, and her personality and charisma means she makes friends wherever she

- HEIGHT: 125 cm/4' 1''
- HAIR: Light brown
- EYES: Hazel
- DIS/DIFF: Down's Syndrome
Leia is an utterly amazing girl - clever, smart and always wants to be where theaction is. She is an extrovert and a born performer and simply LOVES it. Her recent
work includes being the lead for an ad campaign for a major European bank (TV,
print, outdoor, digital, social media, in-store), the lead role for the ad campaign of a
global travel company (digital, in-store, social media) and a supporting role in a BBC
drama, as well as performing in several public live shows.
Leia attends street dance, ballet, Mark Jermin performance classes, and is a
member of the school choir. Leia has the most incredible can-do attitude – she has
learnt to swim, surf, ski and skate. She is a hard worker and a fun seeker through
and through.
There is never a dull moment when Leia is about - she always has a dance to show
or a joke to tell. Leia has Down’s syndrome and her condition doesn’t get in the way
of anything. Her curiosity, zest for life, and sheer cheekiness means she is often at
the centre of things and she is great at charming people. Her smile and laugh are
infectious, and her personality and charisma means she makes friends wherever she