Fully deaf and proud, love sports, animals and travelling abroad. I like to help others. Play football for England and GB deaf football teams, I’m the current captain for both. I also play cricket & futsal for England Deaf Team! And Padbol for Team UK. I’ve won some medals, best player & top goalscorer awards. Lived in USA for 2 years modelling. I love proving to people that having a disability doesn’t mean we can’t achieve our dreams!
Support - BSL interpreter (depends, if it’s a photoshoot then I’m okay but if it’s filming etc then I’d need one please)

Fully deaf and proud, love sports, animals and travelling abroad. I like to help others. Play football for England and GB deaf football teams, I’m the current captain for both. I also play cricket & futsal for England Deaf Team! And Padbol for Team UK. I’ve won some medals, best player & top goalscorer awards. Lived in USA for 2 years modelling. I love proving to people that having a disability doesn’t mean we can’t achieve our dreams!
Support - BSL interpreter (depends, if it’s a photoshoot then I’m okay but if it’s filming etc then I’d need one please)