Sean Jackson is 23 years old and originally from the Isle of Man but now he lives near Liverpool. Sean lost his leg at the age of 18months due to being born with 2 toes and a shorter leg, therefore Sean has got used to his disability pretty much since birth. He is very sporty and has played football since the age of 4, he now plays amputee football for England and Everton, repainting his country at a World Cup and European Championships. Sean enjoys using his disability to inspire others, particularly through sport but is also very keen to use media as a way of showcasing what people with disabilities are really like. Sean spends most of his time in sports gear but does enjoy his fashion. Over the last few years, Sean has been in several adverts such as Sure Deodorant, BT Wi-Fi, and Nurofen. But has also done promotional work for Children in Need.
Sean Jackson is 23 years old and originally from the Isle of Man but now he lives near Liverpool. Sean lost his leg at the age of 18months due to being born with 2 toes and a shorter leg, therefore Sean has got used to his disability pretty much since birth. He is very sporty and has played football since the age of 4, he now plays amputee football for England and Everton, repainting his country at a World Cup and European Championships. Sean enjoys using his disability to inspire others, particularly through sport but is also very keen to use media as a way of showcasing what people with disabilities are really like. Sean spends most of his time in sports gear but does enjoy his fashion. Over the last few years, Sean has been in several adverts such as Sure Deodorant, BT Wi-Fi, and Nurofen. But has also done promotional work for Children in Need.