Olivia is 19 months old and has Down Syndrome. She was born with transient leukaemia and had open heart surgery at 6 months old but has shown us time and time again what a strong and courageous girl she is. Olivia is smart, funny, sociable and very curious. She loves making people laugh, listening to music, dancing, playing games with family and friends and being at nursery where she learns lots of skills while having fun. Olivia has an infectious smile and is incredibly loving and affectionate. She is growing up bilingual (Spanish/English) and is learning sign language to help her communicate.

Olivia is 19 months old and has Down Syndrome. She was born with transient leukaemia and had open heart surgery at 6 months old but has shown us time and time again what a strong and courageous girl she is. Olivia is smart, funny, sociable and very curious. She loves making people laugh, listening to music, dancing, playing games with family and friends and being at nursery where she learns lots of skills while having fun. Olivia has an infectious smile and is incredibly loving and affectionate. She is growing up bilingual (Spanish/English) and is learning sign language to help her communicate.