(My nickname is GA) G.A. stands for GentlemAntwerp, because he’s a gentleman from the Belgian city Antwerp. He’s kind and just lets people be whatever! Unless they’re a racist or bigot or just a mean person. Than he says good day to them in a respectable way and doesn’t talk to you further. He treats everyone with respect really, as he thinks we all should do. And, he’s quirky. He once got the compliment from his girlfriend that he’s the weirdest person they ever met! And I lives his life like it’s his last day on Earth, and he doesn’t (I really don’t know when to stop this third person shenanigan lol) mean: spend all your money and do reckless things! GA means that he enjoys it all. Is mindful of the present and he listens to his emotion. If GA’s happy he’s happy! If he’s sad he’s sad. He doesn’t (not intentionally anyhoo) repress his emotions. He knows who he is. He’s GentlemAntwerp, Simon Bloody Ruts!! And he wouldn’t want to be anyone else. <3

(My nickname is GA) G.A. stands for GentlemAntwerp, because he’s a gentleman from the Belgian city Antwerp. He’s kind and just lets people be whatever! Unless they’re a racist or bigot or just a mean person. Than he says good day to them in a respectable way and doesn’t talk to you further. He treats everyone with respect really, as he thinks we all should do. And, he’s quirky. He once got the compliment from his girlfriend that he’s the weirdest person they ever met! And I lives his life like it’s his last day on Earth, and he doesn’t (I really don’t know when to stop this third person shenanigan lol) mean: spend all your money and do reckless things! GA means that he enjoys it all. Is mindful of the present and he listens to his emotion. If GA’s happy he’s happy! If he’s sad he’s sad. He doesn’t (not intentionally anyhoo) repress his emotions. He knows who he is. He’s GentlemAntwerp, Simon Bloody Ruts!! And he wouldn’t want to be anyone else. <3