Phillipe Hamady is currently based in Sydney.
Phillipe has Velocardiofacial Syndrome and has a major passion for photography and film making. He has started a TikTok which has gained over 250,000 followers in less than a year. Phillipe has always loved being in front of the camera shooting YouTube videos and Creating content at a very early age. Phillipe has a passion for fashion and has always stayed on top of trends. He is also very passionate about basketball and keeping fit!

Phillipe Hamady is currently based in Sydney.Phillipe has Velocardiofacial Syndrome and has a major passion for photography and film making. He has started a TikTok which has gained over 250,000 followers in less than a year. Phillipe has always loved being in front of the camera shooting YouTube videos and Creating content at a very early age. Phillipe has a passion for fashion and has always stayed on top of trends. He is also very passionate about basketball and keeping fit!